What to expect?
The first dental visit normally and ideally involves very little treatment. The emphasis at the first dental visit is on a positive introduction to the dental environment for your child and also on helping you as a parent to understand your child’s oral health and how to best care for your child’s dental needs. This visit will give you the chance to discuss any questions or concerns, which you may have with regards to any aspect of your child’s dental health.
This will involve a gentle introduction to the dental environment followed by a thorough dental examination. It may be necessary to take dental x-ray to complete the clinical picture. In most cases, treatment is not started at the initial consultation visit; this is to allow adequate time for a thorough examination of your child and a discussion with parents regarding their dental needs. A non-invasive first visit also allows your child to relax and get familiar with the dental environment and the dentist – thus reducing anxiety at later visits.
Following the initial visit you should be fully aware of the individual dental needs of your child and be armed with lots of practical hints on the prevention of dental diseases. If any treatment is proposed you will also have lots on information on the options for your child – it may be that there are several options and you might be invited to take some time at home to discuss these.